5 painting set of the red umbrellas

This is a 5 pictures series of a journey of overcoming obstacles . Dark people, images were created to try to relate to all races and gender. Especially in the first painting “The Struggle”. I wanted to attract all walks of life that have ever had a bad day or a horrible moment. Not as a reminder of the horrible moment but as a reminder of that horrible moment that you have gotten past. The picture is just you stuck in the storm and everything just trying to hold you in place. That’s way the series never stop at the first picture and continued on to the next.
“After the Storm”, this is when you got over whatever it was that was going wrong. This is my interpretation of what doesn’t kill you only makes you stronger. “After the Storm” is a painting of a person defeating the storm, now you’re tired so it’s time for a rest, a time to rebuild your strength.
The 3rd picture, of the 5 picture series,is called, “The Dance”, which is a celebration. It’s the mark that you are back on your feet. It’s a celebration of the successes of whatever is happening it’s behind you , its past and gone. This one had to have genders. I wanted to express joy and triumph, and the celebration of really getting past something that was a big accomplishment. It also shows how to reflect on togetherness and boundaries.
The 4th picture, “Taking on the World”. This went back to the topic and key elements that i started off with. Now the Storm is done, you’re now good and rested, and refresh. This is when the dance is over. Its now time to take back on the world. The only difference you stronger and a lot more wiser on how you going to handle problems. Almost like a rebirth on you life and perspective.
The 5th “Shelter”, I wanted to bring back the couple in this one. I had a challenge to try to create a view from the front without trying to identified with a race. So with the woman I used brown colors and creams in the face with black and whites. With the man i put him behind her and placed him into the shade.the same way i used a mix of colors to identify with your race, of the reader are owners of the picture.
This is a wonderful set to own, because you can make this into your personal story. Plus to know in your heart that you can overcome the hardest of obstacles. Thanks for reading and purchasing your own personal set.
.20151022_181432_HDRaftermath2 for tangotaken overshelter.

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