
Peacock flowers, prints only


Blue peacock with painted flowers  and colorful feathers. The original was made and sold in 2016 only prints available.

SKU: p54252596 Category: Tags: , , , ,


Inspired by a person love for flowers and a added touch of a peacock feather that was in a vase in a living room. The piece came together in the form of what you see.  While adding a actual peacock to the forefront. abstract feathers in  addition of adding real peacock feathers to give it a over all balance to fill the canvas.

I wanted something colorful but not overpowering and a pallet of colors that would match almost any room. It was painted with acrylic paint to give it a vibrant look, with neon orange and gold paint to attract any eye that would come into contact of seeing it.

Painted in June 2016. and  original sold in 2016.  prints are available now in stretch canvas and prints.

If size is not listed are would like a custom size use the contact form to get in touch to see if your custom size can be available.

Additional information

Dimensions N/A
rolled canvas

5×7, 8×10, 11×15

rolled prints

6×8, 7.5×10, 9×12, 18×24, 22.5 x 30


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